Terms of Use.

Welcome to Cloth Diaper Anonymous (CDA), where we take our fluff seriously, but not too seriously! By accessing or using our website, you agree to these Terms of Use and our ability to make you giggle and snort unexpectedly. Now, let's get down to business, or should we say, booty-ness!

# 1. Acceptance of Terms

By using our website, you acknowledge that we are a bunch of diaper fanatics with awesomely soft hearts for fluff butts. You also agree that we can't be held responsible for adorable baby pictures that might cause uncontrollable cooing.

# 2. Limited Diaper-stribution Rights

Feel free to share our content, tips, and tricks with fellow fluff enthusiasts and anyone who appreciates clean, sustainable behinds. However, using our content for evil purposes, such as starting a cult or dressing up as a giant diaper for Halloween, is strictly prohibited.

# 3. Intellectual Property

We hereby swear that all our content is a result of countless hours of research, experimentation, and failed attempts at not laughing while exploding a diaper with enthusiasm. All material, including text, images, and colorful poop charts, belongs to us unless otherwise specified. Unauthorized use may result in an army of adorable but determined babies chasing after you. Consider yourself warned!

# 4. User-generated Content

We love hearing from our fellow cloth diaper aficionados! By submitting any content to CDA, whether it's a diaper disaster story or a cute cloth diaper meme, you grant us the right to share it with our community. Rest assured, your stories will be honored, your memes will be LOL'd at, and credit will be given where credit is due.

# 5. Parental Advisory

Our website is an inclusive place for everyone, from newbie parents to seasoned diaper changers. However, we urge parents to supervise their curious little ones while browsing our site. We cannot be held liable for any hilarious misunderstandings or sudden outbursts of giggles that might ensue.

# 6. Warranty Claus(e)

At CDA, we are committed to providing accurate and reliable information. But let's face it, babies are unpredictable little creatures who can surprise us all. Therefore, our information is provided "as is" without any warranties of completeness, accuracy, or smell-proof guarantees. Use your nose and common sense, folks!


Hey there fellow cloth diaper enthusiasts! We need to have a little chat about something called "affiliate links." Now, before you roll your eyes and think this is going to be as exciting as watching paint dry, let us assure you it'll be more fun than trying to wrangle a toddler during diaper change time.

Alright, here's the deal. Sometimes, when we get overly excited about a particular cloth diaper or diaper accessories, we might include some fancy-schmancy affiliate links in our articles. But hold on to your cloth-diapered bums, because we've got some important points to cover!

1. Oh, those affilifi-what?! Well, simply put, affiliate links mean that if you click on a link and end up making a purchase, we might earn a teeny-tiny commission. Please note, our commissions are far too small to fund the construction of a diaper-themed amusement park, so sorry to disappoint.

2. We promise not to get all sneaky on you! We always strive for transparency, just like seeing through a nice, clean diaper. If a link is an affiliate link, we'll let you know! Not through secret codes or hidden messages (we're not attempting to outsmart spies here), but with an honest heads-up before you click.

3. Will it cost you an arm and a leg? Absolutely not! Rest assured, clicking on an affiliate link won't make your bank account or diaper stash magically disappear. You'll pay the same amount for the product (maybe even less if theres a discount code), and we may get a couple of shiny coins in return. It's a win-win, or at least, a mildly amusing-amusing situation.

4. Our recommendations come from the heart - and the butt! We're a group of passionate cloth diaper lovers who genuinely adore sharing our knowledge. Our diaper reviews, tips, and tricks are fueled by countless hours of research, late-night diaper changes, and the occasional diaper blowout catastrophe. Trust us, we don't promote products we wouldn't put on our own baby's bums!

5. Always use your ninja skills of critical thinking. Just because we may throw an affiliate link your way, it doesn't mean you have to snatch it up like a newly stocked diaper sale. We encourage you to do your own research, read reviews, listen to fellow cloth diaper mamas, and choose what's best for you and your little one.

And there you have it!