Trailer: Podcast Intro


Welcome to Cloth Diaper Anonymous, A show for moms who like me who have chosen to save money, live cleaner and support small businesses while cloth diapering our babies. I will be interviewing real moms, business owners, educators and advocates or who ever will jump on with me to discuss our love for the industry, our journey, our collections and even some tips and tricks we’ve learned along the way.

My goal for this podcast is to spread awareness of the options available when it comes to need moms deciding how they want to diaper out potty train their children. I will discuss the different system of cloth diapering, pros and cons, and ultimately who those systems will likely work best for.

If you're a son to be mom, or a new mom that's interested in learning more, I encourage you to follow along. Choosing to cloth diaper doesn't need to be all or nothing, and it certainly doesn't need to start from birth just to help you save some money. If you're a mom who already cloth diapers and you would love to share your journey with me I'd love to have you on, or you could simply shoot me an email at and I would be happy to share your story, or share it anonymously. Whichever you prefer.

You can find me on Facebook and Instagram as Cloth Diaper Anonymous or Tik Tok @sunshineyvie or @cloth.diaper.anonymous

The frequency for posts is currently unknown but with more interest I will create podcasts as quickly as possible. I know Earth Day is coming up, and that's the best time for deals when it comes to shopping for clotg diapers on a budget.

So stick around, subscribe to my podcast, and follow me on social media to let you know what you want to hear from me next. You can also sign up for emails down below and be notified when the next episode airs.

Cloth Diapering: Turning a crappy situation into a cute and fun addiction.

Episode 1- Who is Cloth Diaper Anonymous