These are the events hosted by CDIA members
Participants in any of these events will be automatically entered into the prize pool for giveaways hosted by The Cloth Diaper Industry Association
The CDIA Sponsored Prize includes:
Two Little Hands co Bundle
3 pocket diapers / 3 cover diapers / 3 XL pocket diapers
$97.50 retail value
Kinder Cloth Diaper Co
$50 Shop Credit
Nerdy Mommas
3 pocket diapers+ 3 hemp insert sets (1 large+1 small)
$65.00 retail value
Texas Tushies
Small Starter Set
Participants in any of these events will receive a code word to be entered into the prize pool for giveaways hosted by The Cloth Diaper Industry Association, The more you attend the more codes and chances to win!
GCDC Day 1: ClothMomOfFour x CDA Great Cloth Diaper Change 2024
April 19th time TBD
April 19th & 20th hosted via discord
April 19th, Noon CST; 1:00pm EST
The Great Canadian Great Cloth Diaper Change
April 20th 10am MDT
April 20th 4pm EDT
GCDC Day 2: Cloth Diaper 101 Workshop
April 20th Noon CST; 1:00pm EST
GCDC Day 3: Empowerment Through Advocacy
April 21st 9:oo am CST; 10:00am EST